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Monday, July 17, 2006

Neurocam International

From Wikipedia

Neurocam is an international organization that was first widely known about after it advertised on billboards in Melbourne, Australia in January 2005. The advertisements gave no information as to what Neurocam was, merely repeating the group's slogan "get out of your mind" along with the organizations web address (www.neurocam.com). The advertisements caused some mild intrigue amongst Australians.

People are invited by the group's web site to "join" Neurocam. Those contacting it to do so receive either "rejection" or "acceptance" letters via electronic mail, signed with such names as "Maxwell Knight", "Charles Hastings", and "Bridget Fischer". Other names such as "Neville Harris" and "Iocus Severus". Those that "join" Neurocam are given "missions" to perform.

The obscure nature of the "missions", the lack of information on the web site (which merely contains a long, and of course not independently verifiable, list proclaiming what Neurocam is not) have only fueled speculation. Some have speculated that this was indeed the intent.

Neurocam International explicitly states in every assignment that operatives are not to discuss and relate their Neurocam experiences until after the assignment due date. They are indifferent to public records of operative engagements with Neurocam but it does affect the security rating of assignments in receipt by the operative, according to Charles Hastings on Operative Wintermute's blog.

"Neurocam Oil Holdings" was the name of a fake company created by one "Robert Henley", in September 2003, in order to turn the tables on a Nigerian 419 scammer. A "Neurocam device" is also mentioned in passing on websites purporting to explain who "Robert Henley" is.

Since the billboard advertisment in Australia, thanks to the internet, Neurocam has become mildly popular worldwide, with people joining from all over the world.

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