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Monday, June 16, 2008

~ My Weekend ~
condensed version

Kung fu Panda is awesome. So beautifully done. 8/10.

Hulk happy. Not too shabby. 7/10.

New Charles Stross novel.. awesome! Can't wait to get into this.

Wishlist item satisfied! I bought a wacom tablet about 5 years ago in Australia, and it's been absolutely rock solid reliable.

Unfortunately it's also going to stay locked in storage in Sydney for the
10 days, 3 months, 1 year, however long I stay in Malaysia, so I decided to bite the bullet and buy another.

Abuse me in the comments if you don't start seeing more of my art on here soon :)

Finally... a few laps in the pool. What a lovely weekend.
Hope you had a good one too :)

1 comment:

AzA said...

I gots one of them too...
Intous3 Wacom Tablet A4
simply stunning.
I just need that Sony Ex1.
but i think i'm gonna buy another house first.
Yay for real estate
Ok too many comments for one night.
Peace and Mungbeans Freakoid

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