.. but it was a good weekend anyway.
I've been trying to get a bit more exercise in my week, so I've been hitting the bikes in my apartment block gym for about half an hour or so a few days a week.
I'm finding the secret is to keep yourself distracted, so my iPod is armed with plenty of choice uptempo rock numbers, sometimes I take a magazine in for added distraction. If I don't do this, I find that there is no way I can sit pedaling for very long.
I guess that's why a lot of gyms provide tv's to watch while you work out eh. Tv is known as the 'opiate of the masses', may as well put its numbing affect to good use.
I'm feeling good. Burn off some stress on the bike, then into the pool for a few laps.
I've got to do something to fight off this delicious Malaysia cuisine. ;)

Last night we went to see 'Vantage Point' at GSC Times Square. Liked the movie very much, it was minimalistic, but really well done, telling the same story from 8 different view-points, each view-point giving us a little bit more information on what is going on.
It went close at first to being a little repetitive, but I think jumped away just in time.
Here's the trailer:
We actually saw it Premiere class which was quite worth the 6 ringgit extra per seat, just to escape the regular chatter and mobile phones that seem to interrupt every movie we see in standard class.
I don't know why so many people don't take notice of the 'please switch your phone to silent mode' adverts that accompany each movie, but it's sure distracting.
There wasn't any phone signal in the Premiere class cinema, I'm not sure if that's by design or an accident. Perhaps the whole cinema is encased in a Faraday's cage?
.. Or perhaps that's just me being a geek.
Anyways, have a good week everyone.
Remember, the weekend is only five days away!
1 comment:
Oh dude, SO geek!
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