...and back from Phuket!
Hi everyone, hope you had a lovely Xmas. We arrived back from sunny Thailand the day before yesterday, and what a lovely 5 days, 4 nights it was.
We stayed at the Serene resort at Kata beach, which is a bit more laid-back than Patong beach where we were in August. Not that anywhere on the entire island could really be described as 'busy'.

The resort was reasonable, we were probably spoiled by our previous holiday residence, the Deevana at Patong, which was simply amazing. Other than a comfortable place to sleep and to have a shower, we didn't really see the need to spend so much time within the resort anyway.
We basked on the beach, went snorkelling at 3 islands with the fishes, raced go-carts, played dinosaur themed putt-putt golf, ate lots of nice food, shopped, and had massages (i had 2 of them myself ~ looOoovely).

Oh.. and I indulged in a little colt .45 shooting.

The one thing that we didn't do that I would have liked, was to go and see a kick-boxing match, but then, that will just have to wait until the next time we visit Thailand.

On the flight from KL to Phuket I found myself sitting next to Dylan Lewis, who appears to have done a myriad of things, but who I remember as being the host of 'Recovery' a Saturday morning music show on the ABC in Australia. I left him to his sudoku and crosswords though, the guy was just trying to go on holidays with his family, if that was me, I'd be glad to have some peace and quiet.

Oh, and one last thing, in the WTF category: rabbit cream?

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