10-wheeled skateboard
Good morning... coffee in hand (with sweetened, condensed milk, of course), here's a quick update for the day.
Check out that awesome 10-wheeled skateboard that Frank and I found in a toy store in KLCC! I skateboarded for many years in my 'youf' but riding this would be a really unusual experience methinx.
I was originally going to refer to it as a 'deca-wheeled' skateboard, but i just felt like too much of a wanker, to be honest.
It sucked fairly heavily (oh, so punny) for the first few days there, especially in a country such as Malaysia, where smoking is quite common compared to Australia.
Smoking in restaurants (sorry, 'Restorans') is commonplace, although they often/usually have a smoking section.
Smoking in restaurants in Australia has been banned for a few years now.

Went to Sungei Wang plaza last night (I'm going to be laughed at, but that's 'river of gold' right?, oops correction: 'river of money', (thankyou Julee) not be confused with 'Sungai besi' - 'river of steel' which is a train station around here somewhere? Ok? points out of 10?)
... and bought the above other things the above ^ genuine-Asian-country drinking bottle.
I can truly fit in now. Well, fit in as much as a long-haired blonde guy can in an Asian country.
Also bought 3 groovey t-shirts for 50MYR (about 18 AU$), i think they are genuine copies though. Like that matters.

This is not Sungei Wang plaza, but Ampang Park plaza instead. I kinda like the arrangement of stair at each end.
Check out that awesome 10-wheeled skateboard that Frank and I found in a toy store in KLCC! I skateboarded for many years in my 'youf' but riding this would be a really unusual experience methinx.
I was originally going to refer to it as a 'deca-wheeled' skateboard, but i just felt like too much of a wanker, to be honest.
- Did I mention that I'm now a Team Lead? Yeh baby!
- Did I also mention that I haven't had a cigarette in hmmmm .... 12 days? Yep, true story also.
It sucked fairly heavily (oh, so punny) for the first few days there, especially in a country such as Malaysia, where smoking is quite common compared to Australia.
Smoking in restaurants (sorry, 'Restorans') is commonplace, although they often/usually have a smoking section.
Smoking in restaurants in Australia has been banned for a few years now.

Went to Sungei Wang plaza last night (I'm going to be laughed at, but that's 'river of gold' right?, oops correction: 'river of money', (thankyou Julee) not be confused with 'Sungai besi' - 'river of steel' which is a train station around here somewhere? Ok? points out of 10?)
... and bought the above other things the above ^ genuine-Asian-country drinking bottle.
I can truly fit in now. Well, fit in as much as a long-haired blonde guy can in an Asian country.
Also bought 3 groovey t-shirts for 50MYR (about 18 AU$), i think they are genuine copies though. Like that matters.

This is not Sungei Wang plaza, but Ampang Park plaza instead. I kinda like the arrangement of stair at each end.
1 comment:
Oh my, you've been sucked into buying those water bottles as well? Hehe, mine is red!
I think Sungei Wang is 'River of Money', if im not mistaken. :)
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