Sunday, July 30, 2006
Moving house, coffee shops, GTD
Another weekend wrap-up...
Finally we had a weekend where both days have been beautiful, sunny days... It's been a pretty dismal winter in Sydney so far this year. Yeh yeh, I know... Sydney gets it better than many places, true, but when you spend all the working week inside, glued to a monitor, you really appreciate the opportunity to get a little sun. Well, at least I do, some ppl I know aren't as solar powered as I am (how can you spend a day like today in front of your computer un-named housemate?!?)
Saturday morning I got up early and went for a walk for about an hour or so, I wanted to get some photos of this strange block of flats up near North Rocks road, they always seem to be deserted, and have this ominous, russian cell-block feel to them. I'll add some pics to this post 2moro, since installing usb 2.0 drivers on my computer my phone won't connect to it for some reason. I have to transfer them at work. Stay tuned.
update: here are the pics:
Mick and I went over to the Macquarie Centre for our regular Saturday lunch and browse... helped myself to a delish vanilla cafe latte from Starbucks and took advantage of the cheap newspaper offer (50c for the Sydney Morning Herald, normally $2.20 ~ bargain! haha) and sat there and read the paper while sipping our coffees. Please note, this is about as la-de-da as we get.
I've spent a couple of hours this weekend moving my meagre belongings to my new abode, about a kilometer down the road. All going well, I'll be in there fully sometime next weekend. Its going to be a bit of a squeeze, but I've managed to get rid of heaps of stuff that I've just collected for the hell of it. I've even gone to the length of moving my entire cd collection out of those plastic boxes and into cd books. I've also had at least one surprise discovery, my threadless 'we are made of Carbon' shirt, which I had believed that I'd lost in Perth last September or October. Found! Lost in the minor quagmire that is my bedroom. Sweet. I'm Wearing it to work 2moro to celebrate. It was the first threadless shirt I bought (and a first edition at that! Mein Gott! I am a t-shirt wanker), and I've worn it a grand total of twice.

Oh, yes, while I'm going on about t-shirts, two new Threadless shirts to add to my collection:

Can't wait to move, I'll be paying about the same rent (about $100 a week, which is probably the least you're likely to pay in Sydney, and this is including internet access) and be within 5 minutes walk of both Epping Stn and the supermarket. We're currently a bit out in the sticks (translation: away from civilisation) as far as epping goes... (anyone in the city will laugh heartily and yell at their computer 'but epping IS the sticks' and slap their foreheads, i'm sure). To be able to walk to the supermarket, cafe, pub etc, is going to be sweeeeet.
Watched the new Adam Sandler movie "Click" last night.... really enjoyed it. A substantially deeper, more moving story than i expected. It has the typical Adam Sandler quips, but also has some real tear jerker moments as well. And Kate Beckinsale.... lets not forget, one of the most gorgeous women alive today. ~(:^D)
On my ears this weekend I have been hanging the delightful tunes of Lily Allen, Wolfmother, Tom Waits and The Tea Party. I know, I know, it's a pretty odd playlist, but it works for me, eh.
I took another carload of my belongings over to the new flat this afternoon, I think I've got about a 3rd of my stuff over there already.
Have you heard of GTD? It's a time management technique that actually appears to be fairly easy to implement and follow. I've been reading about it for a while on sites like 43folders & lifehacker, time to give it a try methinx. I've just setup my gmail to automatically label emails with certain things based on the subject contents of things like Events, Groceries, homeRef, HomeToDo, Projects, Require Reply, ToBuy, ToDo, UrgentToDo, WorkRef & WorkToDo. I've set it up also to do things like automatically email my work email address for WorkToDo stuff... Cool eh? I know it's probably not strictly GTD, but it's a work in progress.
...Lets see how it goes.
...must dasherooni, places to go (kitchen), things to do (cook dinner)
till next time,
keep wokkin'.
Posted by
7:32 pm
Monday, July 17, 2006
The Lazy Way to Success
"Hard work is passé. The paradigm-shifting concept is "Smart Laziness" – where success comes through cleverly avoiding work but still getting the job done. In this oasis, we celebrate those magical ways where doing less accomplishes more."
...Some inspiring articles on the above site that I'd have to say would be much needed by most people I know.
Posted by
5:01 pm
Official: Jack the Ripper identified
"Scotland Yard has taken possession of a policeman’s memoirs which names the serial killer.PRIVATE handwritten notes by the man who led the hunt for Jack the Ripper naming the chief suspect were given to Scotland Yard’s Black Museum yesterday.
Chief Inspector Donald Swanson kept quiet for years but in retirement, frustrated that the murderer had escaped justice, could not resist scribbling notes in the margin of his boss’s memoirs, naming the man that they both believed had become the world’s most famous serial killer.
The man he named was Aaron Kosminski, a Polish-Jewish hairdresser living in Whitechapel, East London, who was eventually committed to a lunatic asylum, where he died."
full story: timesOnline
Posted by
3:57 pm
Neurocam International
From Wikipedia
Neurocam is an international organization that was first widely known about after it advertised on billboards in Melbourne, Australia in January 2005. The advertisements gave no information as to what Neurocam was, merely repeating the group's slogan "get out of your mind" along with the organizations web address ( The advertisements caused some mild intrigue amongst Australians.
People are invited by the group's web site to "join" Neurocam. Those contacting it to do so receive either "rejection" or "acceptance" letters via electronic mail, signed with such names as "Maxwell Knight", "Charles Hastings", and "Bridget Fischer". Other names such as "Neville Harris" and "Iocus Severus". Those that "join" Neurocam are given "missions" to perform.
The obscure nature of the "missions", the lack of information on the web site (which merely contains a long, and of course not independently verifiable, list proclaiming what Neurocam is not) have only fueled speculation. Some have speculated that this was indeed the intent.
Neurocam International explicitly states in every assignment that operatives are not to discuss and relate their Neurocam experiences until after the assignment due date. They are indifferent to public records of operative engagements with Neurocam but it does affect the security rating of assignments in receipt by the operative, according to Charles Hastings on Operative Wintermute's blog.
"Neurocam Oil Holdings" was the name of a fake company created by one "Robert Henley", in September 2003, in order to turn the tables on a Nigerian 419 scammer. A "Neurocam device" is also mentioned in passing on websites purporting to explain who "Robert Henley" is.
Since the billboard advertisment in Australia, thanks to the internet, Neurocam has become mildly popular worldwide, with people joining from all over the world.
Posted by
3:53 pm
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Todays laws...
- "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law."
Parkinson's law :
"work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."
Posted by
4:21 pm
The top 10 unintentionally worst company URLs
Attn: Entrepeneurs
Everyone knows that if you are going to operate a business in today’s world you need a domain name. It is advisable to look at the domain name selected as other see it and not just as you think it looks. Failure to do this may result in situations such as the following (legitimate) companies who deal in everyday humdrum products and services but clearly didn’t give their domain names enough consideration:
1. A site called ‘Who Represents‘ where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is
2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at
3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at
4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at
5. Then of course, there’s the Italian Power Generator company…
6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales:
7. If you’re looking for computer software, there’s always
8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is
9. Then, of course, there’s these brainless art designers, and their whacky website:
10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at
Posted by
1:13 pm
Monday, July 03, 2006
Homeless man helps save heart victim
A shabbily-dressed homeless man helped ambulance officers treat a Sydney heart-attack victim over the weekend before disappearing into the night.The mystery man - believed to be a former emergency nurse or doctor - helped ambulance officers by pressing on the patient's Adam's apple as they performed a lung procedure.
"A lot of people who are out on the streets have mental health problems, and just because you've got a mental health problem doesn't mean you are stupid or you are not educated or anything like that."
Posted by
2:31 pm