Python for Nokia Series 60 released :,,034-821,00.html
Have you got a Series 60 phone? Now you can download this and easily write your own applications. Sweeet! All I need now is a series 60 phone....
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Rudy Rucker on God:
"I want to mention a touchy subject: God. Let me immediately say that I’m not out to advocate religion. If you want to keep things more neutral, think of “God” as a convenient and colorful synonym for “the cosmos”. Or think of the “God” word as convenient shorthand for “the unknown.”
My reason for mentioning God is that there’s a particular connection between God and free will that intrigues me: When in dire straits, people sometimes ask God to help them change their behavior. And, often enough to matter, this seems to help them get better. What might this mean?
I would say that becoming desperate enough to turn to God involves recognizing a current inability to alter one’s mental patterns, and a desire to attempt some higher-level change. The plea expresses a longing to jump out of a loop; a desire to move from one attractor to the next; a wish to experience a chaotic bifurcation.
If the plea works, does that mean that the Great Author, the Ground of All Being, the Omnipresent-Omnipotent-Omniscient One has reached down to change the parameters of some suffering character’s mental computations? And, more to the point, does this destroy determinism?
Well, we can keep determinism if we allow for a less supernatural view of reform-by-supplication. We could simply say that asking God for help has an organic effect upon a person’s brain. In other words, expressing a desire to have a spiritual life might activate, let us say, certain brain centers which release endorphins that in turn affect the threshold levels of one’s neurons. And these changes nudge the brain activities to a new strange attractor. A deterministic chaotic bifurcation occurs.
Do I really think it works like that? Well, to be truthful, I’ve always felt comfortable about reaching out for contact with the divine. The world is big and strange, and we have only the barest inkling about what lies beneath the surface."
...Via Rudy's blog.
Posted by
8:33 am
Earth is spinning faster as a result of quake
The massive undersea earthquake that caused the tsunami gave a boost to our planet's spin. As a result, days will be a fraction of a second shorter from now on.Richard Gross, a geophysicist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, theorized that a shift of mass toward the Earth's center during the quake on Sunday caused the planet to spin 3 microseconds, or 3 millionths of a second, faster and to tilt about an inch on its axis.
...Via Boing Boing
Posted by
8:27 am
Free Network Visible Network
10:12 AM augmented realitySpanish researchers Clara Boj and Diego Díaz are working on the Free Network Visible Network , an augmented reality project which aims to make visible the exchanged information between computers of a wireless network.
First marks in the facades of the buildings will indicate the presence of a node, thus the possibility of connecting to the net, and at the same time to see the 3D representation of the information that we are interchanging with this node in real time.
Free game tools will then be developed that use the location of the players in the physical space as main element of the action development. For example, players would be able to modify the information (message, images or videos) on the marks placed in the physical space and record messages for other users / players. Or they would be able to change the publicity images or the urban signals by using small marks and creating game strategies.
Besides, the players will know in real time the position of other players if they are looking to a mark.
On the basis of these simple applications, users will be able to develop their own games.
Via Aminima.
Elevators get smart
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in Japan developed a technology that combines RFID tags and cameras and makes elevators wait for people. Not the contrary.
By combining RFID and image processing, they claim that their system could recognize a person and tell if s/he wants to use the lift or is just waking near it, with no intention at all to step inside.
With the technology, the disabled and the elderly may be able to get on an elevator without the trouble of pushing buttons. Also, in an office building, employees could move back to their "home floors" without selecting a floor number everytime. Moreover, tags can be used to prevent unauthorized persons from getting on an elevator.
Some technical challenges still remain. The company plans to commercialize the technology within 5 years.
Via RFID in Japan.
Ledusoid, the inflatable chandelier
Ledusoid, by AKAirway the big bubble specialist, is an inflatable chandelier made of 350 LEDs sealed in plastic. Once attached to the ceiling the structure becomes a floating medusoid of light.
See also the squarish version.
Posted by
8:01 am
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Back from camping now... Missed a lot of the news regarding the Tsunami and just catching up now via the web and the news currently on tv. Horrible horrible news. It's quite surreal coming back and hearing just how much damage and death has occurred. Before we went away I heard 3000 killed, now coming back and hearing how much more really beggars belief. I can't imagine 60,000 people, the thought that it's likely to be sustantially higher is terrible, just terrible.
Posted by
6:48 pm
Tsunami Death Toll passes 60,000.
Desperate survivors foraged for coconuts or looted food on battered Sumatra island today as the number killed by Asia's earthquake and tsunami passed 60,000.
WHO, the UN health agency, warned that disease in the aftermath of the disaster could double the toll yet again as the world launches what could be its biggest disaster relief operation.
"There is certainly a chance that we could have as many dying from communicable diseases as from the tsunami," Dr David Nabarro, head of crisis operations for WHO, told reporters in Geneva.
The catastrophe spans five time zones, 12 countries, three civil wars and thousands of kilometres of ocean - and there are fears that help won't get to those who need it most quickly enough.
Millions of people whose homes were swept away or wrecked by raging walls of water are struggling to find shelter, water and food and locate loved ones.
The death toll was rising by the hour, with staggering figures feared because of the huge number of people still missing and the inability of relief teams to get to many areas, including dozens of isolated islands.
Exact figures were impossible to get because of the sheer scale of the catastrophe.
The death toll in Indonesia's Aceh province is estimated to be as high as 40,000, Vice President Yusuf Kalla told reporters today.
"The estimate to this day, those who died in Aceh, number more or less 30 to 40,000," Kalla said.
Indonesia's social affairs ministry earlier put the toll so far from the quake at 30,057, but officials have warned it was expected to increase as contact was made with isolated areas.
Sri Lanka listed almost 22,000 people dead, India 4,400 and Thailand 1,500. All expect their tolls to rise.
A total of more than 300 were killed in Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Somalia, Tanzania, the Seychelles and Kenya.
Aid groups struggled to mount what they described as the largest relief operation the world has ever seen, and to head off the threat of cholera and malaria epidemics that could break out where water supplies are polluted with bodies and debris.
Dr David Nabarro, head of crisis operations for the World Health Organisation, warned that disease could take as many lives as Sunday's devastation.
"The initial terror associated with the tsunamis and the earthquake itself may be dwarfed by the longer-term suffering of the affected communities," he told reporters at the UN agency's offices in Geneva.
Along India's southeastern coast, hospital teams stood by to help the injured.
But three days after the disaster struck, many spent most of their time tabulating the dead as ambulances hauled in more bodies.
"The enormity of the disaster is unbelievable," said Bekele Geleta, head of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in South-East Asia.
One of the most dramatic illustrations of nature's force came to light when reporters reached the scene of a Sri Lankan train that was swept into a marsh by a wall of water, killing at least 802.
The train was called "Sea Queen".
Of the overall death toll so far of 59,186, Indonesia has suffered the biggest number of victims, with its Health Ministry reporting 27,174 dead while Sri Lanka reported around 19,000.
India's toll of 11,500 included at least 7,000 on one archipelago, the Andamans and Nicobar. On one island, the surge of water killed two-thirds of the population.
Hundreds of others died in the Maldives, Burma and Malaysia. The arc of water struck as far as Somalia and Kenya. Fishing villages, ports and resorts were devastated, power and communications cut and homes destroyed. The United Nations said the cost of the damage will reach billions of dollars.
The tremor, the biggest in 40 years, tore a chasm in the sea bed which launched the tsunami, which appeared to be the deadliest in more than 200 years.
A tsunami at Krakatoa in 1883 killed 36,000 and one in the south China Sea in 1782 40,000, according to the National Geophysical Data Centre in the United States.
In northern Indonesia's remote Aceh region, closest to the epicentre, bodies littered the streets. About 1,000 people lay on a sports field where they were killed when the three-storey-high wall of water struck.
"My son is crying for his mother," said Bejkhajorn Saithong, 39, searching for his wife at a wrecked hotel on the beach. Body parts jutted from the wreckage.
"I think this is her," he said. "I recognise her hand, but I'm not sure."
At the Thai holiday resort of Phuket, foreign tourists pored over names on hospital lists and peered at 80 hospital photos of swollen, unidentified bodies.
"My father was not there," said German yacht skipper Jerzy Chojnowski, who was looking for his 83-year-old father, missing since the tsunami struck. "My father was not a good swimmer."
Many of the bodies were already decomposing in the heat, underlining the growing health risk.
Relief teams and rescuers flew into the region from around the globe to help in what the United Nations said will be the biggest and costliest relief effort in its history.
Gerhard Berz, a top risk researcher at Munich Re, the world's largest reinsurer, estimated the economic cost of the devastation at over $US13 billion ($16.97 billion).
More than 20 countries have pledged emergency aid worth more than $US60 million ($78.32 million). Several Asian nations have sent naval ships carrying supplies and doctors to devastated areas.
In Geneva, the WHO's Dr David Nabarro said it was vital to rush medicine and fresh water to the worst-hit countries to prevent further catastrophe.
"There is certainly a chance that we could have as many dying from communicable diseases as from the tsunami," Nabarro told a news conference.
There was a serious risk of an explosion of malaria and dengue fever, already endemic in South-East Asia, he said.
Around the ring of devastation, Sweden reported 1,500 citizens missing, the Czech Republic almost 400, Finland 200 and Italy and Germany 100.
Jan Egeland, head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, said:
"We cannot fathom the cost of these poor societies and the nameless fishermen and fishing villages ... that have just been wiped out. Hundreds of thousands of livelihoods have gone."
Around Sri Lanka's southern coasts about 1.5 million people -- or one in 12 of the population -- were homeless, many sheltering in Buddhist temples and schools.
In Aceh, Lieutenant-Colonel Budi Santoso said: "Many bodies are still lying on the streets. There just aren't enough body bags."
On the island of Chowra in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, rescuers found only 500 survivors from 1,500 residents. A hundred air force officers and their families vanished from one island base.
Authorities said at least 7,000 people were confirmed or presumed dead in the group of more than 550 islands.
Posted by
6:43 pm
Monday, December 27, 2004
Just back from seeing "The Incredibles" with pwincess weesa. Amazing movie. go see it. buy the merchandise. All of it. early start 2moro... off camping in Foster. Can't wait will be great.
..Till then.
Posted by
1:09 am
3000 feared killed as quake, tsunamis hit Asia
[11:08pm] A huge earthquake hit southern Asia today, setting off a tsunami that drowned hundreds in Sri Lanka and India, sent Indonesians rushing to high ground and washed away bathers on the Thai tourist island of Phuket. more
- 2100 dead as massive waves hit Sri Lanka
- Tsunami kills at least 170 in Thailand
- Earthquake, floods kills more than 700 in Indonesia
- 400 fishermen feared missing in south India
- Maldives sees great damage
- Asian quake fifth largest since 1900
- Australian tourists witness devastation
- Low-lying Cocos Islands hit by wave
- Four South Africans missing in Thailand
- Pope asks world to help quake victims
- Contact the Herald
- Quake devastates South-East Asia
Posted by
1:09 am
Your mood caught by computer - Technology -
"Your mood caught by computer
December 26, 2004
The Sun-Herald
Scientists have developed a computer that can determine a person's mood simply from the sound of their voice.
They are now negotiating to sell the technology to a range of possible users, from car manufacturers to the makers of computer games and even reality television shows.
"When you are depressed or sad, the pitch of your voice drops and your speech slows down," said Dr Christian Jones, chief executive of Edinburgh-based Affective Media, the company behind the high-tech product.
"We betray our emotions in dozens of subtle ways. Our recognition system uses 40 of these.
"It ignores the words you use and concentrates exclusively on the sound quality of speech.
"It can tell your emotional state the very first time it hears your voice."
Dr Jones said car maker Toyota was already interested in using the technology to present road information in such a way that matched a driver's state of mind.
The on-board computer would become chatty for bored drivers or more calming for angry ones, Dr Jones said."
Posted by
12:04 am
Friday, December 24, 2004
Merry X'mas Eve everyone!
Last night at about 10pm I finally finished my painting which I'm giving to Lisa for X'mas. It's taken about 5 months on and off (mostly 'on') nad is the first painting I've done in five years, and it's certainly the one I've spent the most time trying to perfect.
Here it is :
...I'll try to get a better photo of it this afternoon.
2moro morning I'll go over to Lisa's early (like 8am early) and we'll make our super-salad which is our contribution to her familys' xmas lunch. We're probably going to have some vino and stay over, but should be a great day.
Better go... all the best.
Posted by
7:12 am
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Single-serving coffee can heats itself
Convenience is about to take on new meaning in the coffee aisle: single-serving coffee in a can that heats itself.
Chef Wolfgang Puck says the self-heating container 'will expand the way people drink coffee.'
Beginning Jan. 2, consumers can buy a 10-ounce container of Wolfgang Puck gourmet latte at the store and heat it by pressing a button. No electricity. No batteries. No appliances.
"It will expand the way people drink coffee," says Puck, the celebrity chef with a growing empire.
How does the can do it? A single step mixes calcium oxide (quicklime) and water. It heats the coffee to 145 degrees in six minutes — and stays hot for 30 minutes.
It sounds like a technology used by soldiers to heat Meals-Ready-To-Eat. But MREs mix magnesium iron oxide and water and need several steps. This is one-step and self-contained.
Puck's latte hits stores at a point consumers are willing to pay a premium for quality products that save time.
Puck — owner of Los Angeles eateries Spago and Chinois — knows trends. He's licensed his name to WP Beverage Partners, a beverage firm. WP has linked up with OnTech, a technology specialist, that designed the heating process.
Nestlé has tested a similar technology with Nescafé in Europe, and smaller companies have tested it in Asia.
"This will change the way people drink coffee," says Jonathan Weisz, CEO of OnTech. He insists that the technology is child-safe and eco-friendly. The technology also could be used to heat tea, cocoa and soup products. By mid-2005, it will be tested on foods from rice to fish.
Kroger is so convinced the product will be a hit, it will offer it in all 2,530 stores — and negotiated a deal to be the only seller until mid-February.
"There's nothing like it on the market," says John Spalding, who oversees all coffee sales at Kroger.
The coffee in its recyclable, single-serve container will retail for about $2.25. While that's less than a Starbucks latte, will American coffee drinkers trade in their Starbucks grandés for Puck's cup o' joe? One marketing consultant says, don't bet your coffee money on it.
"People won't believe that something from the grocery store will be in the same ballpark with Starbucks," says Steven Addis, a brand expert.
Starbucks won't comment on the Puck coffee, but spokesman Alan Hilowitz says, "Starbucks is about great coffee and a relaxing experience."
The Puck brand could attract time-pressed commuters, Addis says. And, perhaps, cold-weather football fans.
OnTech also plans a line of self-heating coffee later next year under the Hillside Coffee private label — a name it licensed from Procter & Gamble. OnTech plans to distribute the coffee through QVC next year and at major hotel chains.
"We've never had retailers calling us and demanding a product," says Bob Groux, CEO of WP. "We do now."
Posted by
11:42 am
Near Berlin, a former zeppelin hangar has been transformed into Europe's largest covered leisure resort (five million cubic metres).
Tropical Islands offers 850 sun-loungers on its two beaches, waterfalls tumbling into tranquil lagoons, a rainforest, sunrise projected on to a 450ft long screen, speakers disguised as boulders broadcasting bird song and insect noises appropriate to the time of year and day ... and best of all, workers trained to "use smiles to enthuse stressed and winter-wearied Europeans".
Price is €20 for four hours, plus €1 for every hour over that. It is hoped that Tropical Islands will boost the local economy in the former communist east, where unemployment is around 20 per cent.
Could this sun-kissed leisure at home be the future of tourism?
Posted by
11:39 am
Epic is a 'future documentary' done in flash about the changing state of media..
...goes for about 8mins. Watch it, it's quite thought provoking.
...some mirrors:
Posted by
11:34 am
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Scientists in Florida believe they know why complex language evolved. Blame it on baby talk. At least 1.6 million years ago some human ancestor mother started saying "goo-goo" and "ba-ba" to her baby as a way of keeping in touch.
And it all began because humans became bipedal. Modern ape babies cling to the maternal fur. Chimpanzee mothers are silent. There could be a link, says Dean Falk, an anthropologist at Florida State University.
She reports in the journal Behavioural and Brain Sciences that "motherese", the universal language of motherhood, is characterised by a high-pitched voice, long drawn-out vowels, repetitive phrases and a singsong cadence. These may hold the key to the emergence of language.
"I knew chimp mommies don't make these noises, so I knew something happened during evolution," she said. "The missing puzzle piece was bipedalism. We stood up; we lost hair. It was then that babies could no longer hang on to their mothers. Mothers had to hang on to their babies. That was a eureka moment."
For 200 years researchers have tried to understand how one mammal evolved from grunting and hunting to growing bonsai trees and reading Homer.
Professor Falk believes it all began 1.6 million years ago, when our upright human ancestors were roaming the savanna. The evolutionary development of bigger brains meant that early humans began giving birth before their babies' heads became too big to pass through the birth canal.
This shorter gestational period meant humans gave birth to babies that were undeveloped physically. Foraging mothers would have had to put their babies down to search for food. They may have made noises to reassure them. These noises would have served as codes, and eventually evolved into words.
"The behaviour of chimp mommies and babies and human mothers and infants are delightfully identical in many ways but we are dramatically different in other ways," Professor Falk said.
"We vocalise continually in a way that helps babies begin to learn language. I wanted to find out why we are the only animals that talk, and this need to pacify our babies as humans evolved may be the reason."
...from the Guardian
Posted by
1:04 pm
Monday, December 20, 2004
The littlest humans
The archaeologists who found the remains of Homo floresiensis on the Indonesian island of Flores predict there are other species to be found on a nearby island. The team, led by Professor Mike Morwood of the University of New England, will begin a search in Sulawesi early next year.
In a review of the find in yesterday's Science, Professor Jared Diamond, of the University of California, says it is unlikely our species mated with the "micropygmies" on Flores for the same reasons we don't have sex with chimpanzees. They would have been "too unlike humans to appeal sexually", and too unpredictable and dangerous to make the liaison a safe proposition.
Posted by
10:13 pm
from smh...
Seaside nest eggs go off the boil
Photo: Dean Sewell
Beachside property owners may have to settle for much lower returns over the next 10 years as the decade-long property boom that tripled house prices in many suburbs runs out of puff.
Figures prepared for the Herald by Australian Property Monitors show massive increases along the metropolitan coast over the past 10 years: from 345 per cent at Whale Beach in the north to 230 per cent at Bundeena in the south.
Of 36 beachside suburbs studied, 20 had a median house price of more than $1 million. Ten years earlier, only eight of those suburbs had a median higher than $400,000.
The soaring prices could have an unwelcome social impact, said Geoff Withycombe, executive officer of Sydney Coastal Councils. The State Government must improve access to affordable housing by increasing the statutory allocation of such housing, he said.The property boom also caused social dislocation, he said. There was demand in coastal suburbs for lower-income workers but they had little chance of living nearby, while "the kids who live in these areas can't afford to buy a house in their own suburbs. It's a major social issue for Sydney."
Phil Raskall, an urban economist, said many grandparents and their baby-boomer children were likely to have enjoyed big property-driven increases in wealth, while the next generation was shut out of the market. As the eldest generation died off, "it's possible there might be arrangements made to skip a generation, with the grandparents saying it would be better to pass it on to the [grandchild] instead of the already well-off baby boomers".
Posted by
10:05 pm
...only five days till xmas!
crazy stuff. I'm going up to Mona Vale to spend xmas with Lisa and her family then she and I and a couple of her mates are going camping up at Forster for a few days before new years. Can't wait.
I've almost finished the painting that I'm doing for Lisa, we've celebrated chunks of xmas already... I bought her a little aquarium setup and she has got me some paints, some great coloured pens for my drawing, some thai fishermens pants (so comfy) and the first pair of thongs I've had in many, many years.
Things are getting a little bit quieter at work... we experience the opposite of a xmas rush, as a result of so many people for our customers going on holidays. This is a good thing. I get to do some catchup on my programming for the upcoming job change.
My good mate Kele called tonight to impat his particular style of xmas glee and have a chat. It's hard to believe that it's been 5 years since I've seen him. Must rectify that...
In the news today: The Sydney Harbour Bridge is going e-tag only in the next couple of years.
from the article:
"Motorists will soon be banned from using cash on the Sydney toll road network as the State Government seeks to entrench the use of electronic tags.
Even the Sydney Harbour Bridge, where tolls have been collected manually for 72 years, will have its cash booths removed as part of the motoring revolution aimed at forcing more than 85 per cent of motorists to use electronic devices.
The Roads Minister, Carl Scully, has confirmed the scrapping of cash payments on all six existing toll roads. It has already been decided there will be no manual transactions on the three motorways under construction: the M7 Westlink and the Cross City and Lane Cove tunnels.
The Cross City Tunnel, now running well ahead of schedule and due to open early next year, will become the first tag-only motorway in Sydney. Motorists driving on the road without tags will have their vehicle's numberplate photographed. They will be able to defer payments or ring a hotline within a few days of the trip to arrange for the $2.50 each-way toll to be paid.
The Sydney Harbour Tunnel was to become tag-only this month but Mr Scully said the changeover would be delayed until the Cross City Tunnel was opened - a tactic aimed at reducing "teething" problems.
Mr Scully said Melbourne's strife-plagued opening of cashless tolling a few years ago had made him nervous about introducing the scheme in Sydney, but it was inevitable the entire network would be tag-only.
"I wouldn't want to put a time limit on it," he said.
"But eventually, a few years down the track, it's probably time to say to people, 'Look, now's the time we make our motorway system cashless'.
"I'm reluctant to force it on people but I think it's such an attractive product, people will vote with their feet. They'll take it up anyway."
Electronic tags first became available in the middle of 2001, but it was not until last year that a single tag could be used on all motorways.
Since then tag use has soared to an average of about 65 per cent.
The M2 has the lowest number of users at just below 60 per cent, while 70 per cent of journeys on the M5 are tagged.
Mr Scully said he would move to make the road system cashless once more than 80 per cent of all trips were made using a tag.
He said he was putting pressure on the Cross City Motorway consortium and the Roads and Traffic Authority to ensure the new cashless system worked properly from the start. A marketing campaign was being devised to raise community awareness on tagging and how motorists could pay tolls if they chose not to buy a device.
The way it was on the bridge's official opening day in 1932.
"There are always teething problems when you introduce new infrastructure and technology, so I don't expect it to be problem-free," Mr Scully said.
"But I've certainly got the pressure on them."
In late 2006 the 40-kilometre M7 Westlink will usher in another landmark in cashless tolling, with motorists paying tolls according to the distance they travel - up to a cap. It is expected the decision to ban the use of cash could be timed to coincide with the opening of the western roadway's connecting roads from Seven Hills to the M5 at Campbelltown."
Posted by
9:46 pm
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
The Goodies Reunite for Sydney Show!
At last, The Goodies will get together for a Sydney show, writes Richard Jinman.
The Goodies won't be riding their famous tandem bicycle when they reunite on stage in Sydney next year.
The comedy trio saddled up in London recently, but the "Trandem" proved as uncomfortable and unstable as it was 30 years ago. Back then, the sight of Tim Brooke-Taylor, Bill Oddie and Graeme Garden pedalling off to combat a plague of Rolf Harrises or a giant kitten, was as familiar to television audiences as the theme song refrain, "Goodies! Goody goody yum yum".
"We always hated the bicycle," says 62-year old Brooke-Taylor, who played the group's Union Jack waistcoat-wearing royalist. "The first one didn't have brakes and we were always falling off it. But as an image we knew it was right."
The reformation of The Goodies for a series of live shows as part of Sydney's Big Laugh Comedy Festival in March won't mean much to anyone under 30. But it's a source of real excitement for fans. The show screened Mondays to Fridays on the ABC and is still remembered fondly here, as evidenced by 50,000-plus sales of a Goodies DVD released last year.
"There's a phenomenon of thirtysomethings who just love them," says Big Laugh director John Pinder, who persuaded the trio to reunite. "I know there are people talking about flying out from the UK to see them."
Brooke-Taylor, who began performing with Oddie, 63, and Garden, 61 when they were students at Cambridge University, says they had not previously contemplated a reunion. They aren't sure if they'll perform the show - which tells The Goodies story through performances, anecdotes, songs, film clips and (possibly) a few explosions - in Britain
"We don't want to be like an ageing pop group that gets back together to pay the mortgage," says Brooke-Taylor. "We want it to be fun and good. If we feel the show is enjoyable we might go on with it."
The Goodies have met several times to script the new show. It isn't easy translating a television program that made heavy use of costumes and camera tricks to the stage, but the trio's enduring friendship has made it a smooth reunion. "It'll never be quite the same, but we were one of the few groups that never fell out," says Brooke-Taylor, who has worked regularly with Garden on the BBC radio quiz I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue.
Watching old episodes like The Goodies and the Beanstalk and The Bunfight at the OK Tearooms, Brooke-Taylor admits some gags have aged. But he's intensely proud of the show.
"To be honest, I don't think The Goodies would be made now," he says. "I didn't think the first two series were very good, but once you get a bit of confidence and people get to know the characters, you can take more risks. Nowadays, if the ratings aren't right you're taken off overnight."
And The Goodies did take risks, despite the popular perception of the show as a more slapstick, kid-friendly version of Monty Python's Flying Circus. The Goodies was written for adults and initially aired at 10.30pm in Britain. Brooke-Taylor says he has a "huge list" of moments - everything from rude words like "pissed" to sexual innuendo and parodies of religion - that were excised from the ABC's early evening broadcasts.
He says the show's edge was sharpened after they received a letter praising the first series from British morals campaigner, Mary Whitehouse. It was a call to arms for comedians who had learned their craft at university revues alongside future Monty Python alumni such as John Cleese and Graham Chapman.
"It made us go out of our way to make sure she didn't like any of our shows" says Brooke-Taylor, who got his wish when Whitehouse complained about a scene in which he wore underpants emblazoned with a large carrot.
The show was political, too. Brooke-Taylor was the arch conservative, Garden the middleman and Oddie the scruffy socialist.
"In reality, we were all anti-establishment," says Brooke-Taylor. "But I had the double-barrelled name so I was always going to play the Tory."
The Goodies perform at The Riverside Theatres , Parramatta, on March 3 and at the State Theatre on March 4, 5. Tickets $59-$72, bookings 9266 4800.
Posted by
6:57 am
Monday, December 13, 2004
Great news!
I've scored a job as an application developer for our company. I start in late January. Can't wait. So long tech support (after 5 years) I'm finally on the path I've been oh so gradually building towards over the last few years. Eggshellent. I've got a lot of catch-up learning to do in the next few months, but I predict it's going to be worth it.
In other news, Friday night we had our office xmas paty which was held at 'le montage' in Leichart. A nice night, even with the overly raucous femal comedian, always nice to have a few with ones work colleagues.
I'm just doing some of my management course and I've found this great Native American quote:
"To truly understand another, we must walk a mile in their moccasins. And before we can walk in another's moccasins, we must first take off our own."
...and while i'm a quotin' :
"The colossal misunderstanding of our time is the assumption that insight will work with people who are unmotivated to change. Communication does not depend on syntax, or eloquence, or rhetoric, or articulation but on the emotional context in which the message is being heard. People can only hear you when they are moving toward you, and they are not likely to when your words are pursuing them. Even the choices words lose their power when they are used to overpower. Attitudes are the real figures of speech." -- Edwin H Friedman, Friedman's Fables
...Good night.
Posted by
8:23 pm
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Hello there, how's it going?
I worked out at Homebush today.. . So a much easier trip to work, simply a 45 minute drive or so, pretty easy. Today the Homebush Ikea store opened up. It's the largest home furnishings store in the southern hemisphere has a floor area of 26,000m2 (which would cover the Sydney Olympic Stadium) and a product range of over 7500 articles. Amazing.
I've been to the Moore Park store & though that was pretty damn large and impressive, only to find out that it' the SMALLEST Ikea store in the world! I guess that's amazing again, just in a different way.
Wil Anderson is performing tonight at the Mic in hand at the Friend in Hand pub in Glebe tonight. Lisa's going as are Mick and Chris from work, but unfortunately I'm a wee bit too fiscally crippled at the moment, working in the city costs me about $8.80 in transport costs a day. It's also nice to get home early and have a bit of time to myself too. It's been quite a while since I've had a little break (even a few hours it seems!) and so it's nice to sit back and enjoy some quiet time.
...Is that enough justification? hehe... it will have to do. I do feel a bit bad that I'm leaving Lisa to go when she would have loved to have had me there, but she's a grown girl, and capable of having fun without me. It is hard to shake that 'staying at home, loser' feeling, but I'm also trying to save some money at the moment, I'd love to go on a holiday with her soon, after Christmas we're going camping down the south coast, so we'll have some quality time very soon.
Can you believe it's only 3 weeks to Christmas! Eeeek!
I love this image from EigenRadio
...And i don't know why.
Posted by
6:33 pm
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Ooh, another hot hot day today... about 38 deg. There was a bit of thunder and a touch of ran just a few minutes ago.. enough to make it more humid, not enough to really cool anything down.
Posted by
8:41 pm